Sunday, March 11, 2012

Long time, no see

Shirt: Bootlegger, Skirt: Rw&Co, Tights: Joe Fresh

Things have been exceptionally busy around my household lately. First of all because of the regular, everyday necessities and chores. Secondly, because we've all been sick with the worst kind of cold. ( When a sickness hits our house, it's like a pandemic). Thirdly, and most of all because today my Mom is due to have the newest addition to our family.
Yup, baby #10 is coming any day!
Crazy, right?!
It's been so exciting getting everything ready for the newest bundle of joy!
I cannot wait! :)
Right now I have 5 brothers and 3 sisters, so it's extraordinarily exciting to see if the little nugget is a new brother or sister. :)

p.s. Sorry for the lack of posts lately. My computer broke, but it's all fixed now. :)


  1. Hey! When you commented on my blog I decided to check out yours, because I'd never visited it before... I like it! I like the pictures you put up, and all the quotes. Simple and fun :)

  2. How exciting! What fun new-born babies are. And I just love the color of your tights. =) Hope everything goes smoothly with your mom's delivery.
    Kristina J.

  3. Only 10? lol, sounds like a lot of fun! The more the merrier! :)

